The Notes Jokes and Hope Festival and Concert annual series 2022 (Feb 11-12), hosted by Savannah’s favorite comedian Brian Clay, will kickoff in its new home, the beautiful and historic city of Savannah, GA at the all-new EnMarket Arena. NJH’s FOR THE LOVE of MUSIC 2 Day Mega Fest will be the Hope Week key event. We are excited to bring Gold and Platinum international selling artists for not only two amazing days of live music but we invite the public to join us for our 1st annual Valentine’s Day Weekend Love-Hope 5 & 10k Run/Walk (beginning February 10-12). “Festival nights hosted by Savannah’s favorite Comedian Brian Clay”.
We have teamed nationally with the THINKWATTS FOUNDATION ( for the ThinkWatts Food Drive, The Hope Children’s Room Makeover, and NKEThinks Financial Literacy and Investment initiative. ThinkWatts Founder and Platinum-selling writer, producer and artist, Stix and LA’s EJ the DJ will have a special performance bringing the Los Angeles’ sound to the Savannah Shore Line and giving back to the area’s citizens. NKE GLOBAL and Insider Entertainment will also introduce their companies first collaboration to find an area High School Junior or Senior to intern as a Junior Concert Promoter showing them the behind the scenes phases of concert promotions and build-out. We will be announcing other information via social media (@nkeglobal) and that will be part of our instant give-back policy.
For Sales Information for the weeks activities will be updated on and all social media @nkeglobal. Click here to purchase tickets!
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